The Bluetone Stringer is a single-channel tube amp. It is based on a modified Dumble Steel String Singer circuit, which has became a cult amp within many professional players all around the world. Stringer has some functional and technical improvements compared to original design. These modifications are an adjustable clean-/solo boost, an adjustable line out with a dummy load, a PPIMV Master Volume and a cathode biased power amp, which does not need biasing when changing power tubes.
The preamp is very versatile consisting a two position Bright switch, Mid Boost switch, Rock-/Jazz-switch, PAB (Preamp Boost Switch) and an eq section with Treble, Middle and Bass controls to modify widely your guitar sound. Moreover there are 7-position HI ja LOW EQ switches to tailor the guitar sound if needed. A spring reverb with big tank gives more possibilities to create your dream sound.Amp also contains an adjustable, unbalanced Line out with internal Dummy load for recording purposes etc. With a Celestion Alnico Cream speaker this combo weighs only 13,7 kg.
Power amp accepts all normal octal power tubes like 6V6GT, 6L6GC, 5881, EL34, KT66 and KT77. Output power: 2x6V6GT= 15 W, 2x6L6GC/EL34 = 30 W. There is no need to bias power tubes when changing them.
You can have this amp as a head or combo version.
All options are listed below. A buffered effect loop, Line out and Master Volume are included to normal price.
Stringer Reverb Head
– Cabinet covered with normal tolex + 2x6L6GC-power tubes 1950 €.
Stringer Reverb Combo
– Cabinet with normal tolex + 2x6L6GC-power tubes + 1×12″ 90 W Celestion Alnico Cream speaker 2450 €.
– Cabinet with normal tolex + 2x6L6GC-power tubes + 1×12″ 50 W Celestion Neo V-Type speaker 2250 €.
If you want combo version with a different speaker/speakers, please ask an offer.
– A spring reverb included to basic price
– Adjustable Clean-/Solo boost included to basic price
– An unbalanced Line Out with Level control and internal dummy load included to basic price
– Cabinet dust cover included to basic price
– An adjustable, buffered effect loop included to basic price
These prices include 25,5 % VAT and are subject to change without notifications.